

Da Da Daisy



I had always had a fascination for essential oils and Aromatherapy and wanted to explore it further but something always got in the way ---- busy life really …. As it does 

I had owned a Real Estate Company in a little costal township, in South Australia, it was my life as I spent so much time in the office, I decided to make it as comfortable as possible, surrounding myself and staff with beautiful things that made me happy. One of the things I used to do was burn and infuse different blends of essential oils…. Working in Real Estate De Stress was the most popular blend !!!!!  

We forever had random people walking into the office, not because they wanted to sell or buy a home, BUT to inquire about the amazing aroma that was wafting out onto the street as they passed by… 

Our senses tell a lot about us, what we need and what makes us happy and relaxed, as I started to explore essential oils in more depth in my spare time, a whole new world started to open up. 

 ……Fast Forward a Few Years…..

My Fathers health had started to decline, he lived on a farm in which I started spending more time at, as I had just sold my business, it became a place for me to go, not only to spend time with Dad, but a “time out” place for me, to spend time in the open air and nature and to destress and work out what I wanted to do next in life.  

At the farm I started to create a garden for Dad, after a lot of trial and error, losing a lot of plants, I found that the plain old fashioned white Daisy was the only thing that seem to survive and thrive in the hard limestone soil.   SO… Daisy’s it was….. breaking them off and planting them everywhere, and I mean Everywhere … 

Dad was delighted, he couldn’t believe daisies could bring him so much Joy, he was proud of this Garden of DAISY’S we created, when in bloom the sea of White was absolutely stunning against the openness of the farm. He would always say “they look Bootifulll” 

As Dads health deteriorated and medical intervention was failing, we knew there probably wasn’t a lot that could be done, so I started making Aromatherapy sprays with oils that were appropriate for different ailments that he had, I was just trying to find something to make him feel good about himself and  soothe his soul.  

I would leave the sprays on the coffee table, explain to him, when he was feeling Tired, lethargic, Nauseous, or couldn’t sleep, to spray himself and his face, breathe in the aroma and just see if it helps……. Not Sure he was going to do this. (We are talking about a 73 year old male that was a Gung Ho type of Man) Dad was a little eccentric himself, but he did have a belief in life and a “Give anything a go attitude” 

Well ….. to my surprise he started using all the different sprays, He was my biggest advocate…. It wasn’t long before he was asking me if I could make one for this or for that … so I did .. we ended up with all these little brown bottles with strange labels on them like …..Micks’ MoJo Juice  …Nite Nite Mick Sleep Tite.  Dad really started to get into this, it was fun to see.

Sadly, my Dad lost his fight for life and passed away. I was so grateful that I was able to share this journey with him. 

Leaving me at a complete loss and looking to move ahead with the next chapter of my life and find something that makes me happy in life was my next challenge.  NO IDEA what I wanted to do…  & THEN 

I was at Dads farm one day after his passing, walking amongst the DAISYS and thinking to myself about the connection of Dad and the Daises, and what joy they bought to his life, and out of nowhere I distinctively knew I had to create something to honour him and.. BINGO !!!   DA DA DAISY was born……. Aromatherapy sprays with Quirky names just like I used to make for my Dad. 

I have been creating these Beautiful sprays in hope that they will bring some pleasure and joy to the lives of people that use them, just as they did for my DAD ……

Just to add a little bit more Quirkiness to the story, I Registered the business name Da Da Daisy, designed and ordered the Business cards and then shared with a Girlfriend what I was planning to do… She asked where I got the name from, I said i really just kept on hearing it my head, over and over so thought I would use it. She asked insistently what it said …… I repeatedly said Da Da Daisy .. until she pointed out the first two words spell Dad Dad ….. I know strange right … Then she asked why the black and white stripes on my business cards.. my reply, I thought it looked striking with the Hot Pink .. I ASKED WHY !!!! by this point, she then replies your Dads Race Horse Jockey Silks were at his funeral, weren’t they black and white stripes?? ummm yes they are … so I do believe and have faith, that not only have I been guided but I am on the right path with Da Da Daisy